== Change Log file == Change in 3.0 * Complete rewrite of the core code to support WP 2.6 and even later wordpress versions * Change in the posting structure * Added page support * Added player customization * Added upgrade function for backward compatibility * And more cool features Changes in v2.6 * Added option to show/hide related videos inside the player * Fixed some bugs * Import single video by id Changes in v2.5 * Added customized adsense Changes in v2.4 * Import the featured videos in youtube Changes in v2.35: * Import your favorite videos from youtube Changes in v2.3: * Multi language support Changes in v2.2: * Import your youtube videos or any user videos Changes in v2.1: * Added tags to category import Changes in v2.0: * Added new import features from youtube * Added customized view options * Added customized video display properties * Post writing changed, implementing TP code * Fixed bug when manually posting into wordpress or changing an imported post Changes in v1.4: * Added new video properties Changes in v1.3: * Added Thumbnail view option Changes in v1.2: * Added image format for the average rating Changes in v1.1: * Added default settings TubePress 1.0: * First release of TubePress with basic video import